Sunday, August 10, 2008

Day 17 (T-40): Pool Party...New accountability log

I will have 2 posts today. This is for Day 17. I thought I was too tired to post last night at 1:00 but that was only my fault and due to not planning ahead enough again! What can I say..I'm a teenager... however I do recognize my faults and am trying to improve.


Meal 1: 430 cals (grapes and oats, whey shake)
Meal 2:405 cals (101.25 carbs 1&2, 135 protein)
Meal 3: 396 cals (")
Meal 4: 324 cals ( 196.5 carbs 1&2, 108 protein)
Meal 5: 315 cals (158 carbs 1&2,105 protein)
Meal 6: 300 cals (150 carbs 1&2, 100 proteins)

Calorie Total: 2170 cals
Calorie Goal: 2200
Final Judgement: Pretty good day eating wise...additional planning is still needed. I had a pool party and fortunately there was some healthy choices there that fit into my diet! Actually come to think of it I did pack my shake materials including whey and oats just in case...No fibrous carb though!

1. I need to find a portable and easy source of a fibrous carb to add to my shakes or for on the go! (I could get some frozen fruit if I prepared before hand but I need something to just add in...ground up vegies?)
Saturday Aug 9 DAY 17 ( T-41)
---1 hour fasted cardio

---schedule conflicts and lack of planning caused me to miss my workout shedule: Also it's hard to find a place to workout since I'm at my aunts house and am trying to get a job but currently don't have enough money to join a gym. The only gym I can use is at my gf's appt. complex and that's not always convenient.

Final Judgement: I took a break from HIIT this morning and just did a 1 hour fasted cardio because after my last intense workout my joints in my knees and pelvis were really hurting and starting to concern me. I will start HIIT again on monday. Good day besides the missing my weight schedule which is a biggie!

Solution: I need to either:
---1. Find some additional free more convenient workout places
or-2. Design my own weight resistance training workout to do around the house.


DAY TOTAL JUDGEMENT: Good day eating, Good day cardio, Bad day Weights!


Things to change/add:
1. I will continue to improve my blog hopefully finding a reliable and consistent camera
2. Find a weight routine without needing the gym...have any suggestion


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You have really put some good thought in developing your nutrition program. Your accountability chart looks good. Let's dig a little deeper on the resistance training.

Might I suggest that whenever you find yourself in a situation where you can't get to a gym, you do body weight exercises such as push-ups, sit-ups, squats, lunges etc. Certainly will be better then doing nothing.

Have you thought about your workout plan when school starts? I'd suggest a full body workout 3 times a week for one hour each session. You could do 3 sets of 10 reps of the follwoing exercises: bench press, lat pulldown, shoulder press, squats, bicep curl, tricep pushdown and calf raise. That would give you 21 sets of exercise using compound movements. You could get this done in an hour.

If you do CONSISTENLY this for 3 months along with your cardio 3 times per week, you would make great progress towards your goal. Do your resistance training and cardio on alternating days. This would provide you 6 days of exercise with a day off for rest each week.

With proper scheduling you can work this in with your studies. And OSU would have all the equipment you'll need.

Juan, you've got it all going in the right direction to accomplish your mission. Go for it.