Saturday, August 9, 2008

Day 16 (T-42): I give myseff a B-

I'm posting this morning because I got in late last night and was completely exhausted.
Day 16 was for the most part a good day.


Meal 1: 450 cals (whey 30%, Oats 50%, Olive oil 20%)
Meal 2: 400 cals (1 cup of cereal and milk, added whey, and grapes)-50-30-20
Meal 3: 350 cals (4 egg whites, .5 cup of oats, Protein and Olive oil shake)-50-30-20
Meal 4: 300 cals (whey and oats shake) 50-30-20
Meals 5: 310 cals Power Bar
Meal 6: ? I went to a dinner and ate a vegetable soup and some zuchini keash and half of a blueberry zuchini bread.

Calorie Total: ~ estimate~ 2210-2310
Final Judgement: I tried hard today but the fact is that I started off the day strong with balanced and full meals but due to my lack of planning and carelessness about making dinner plans and having to go help the lady new in my house, I got quite off track. Another note: I got really dehydrated while driving to the dinner and I felt really awful with a headache and all . The ironic thing is that I just finished reading the BFFM chapter on the importance of daily water intake. AGAIN due to my lack of planning. Day 17 will be a challenge to see if I can change my ways: I have a birthday party to go to and there are sure to be unhealthy choices so I NEED to plan ahead and pack food if necessary. although it doesn't feel good to realize that messing my eating schedule was essentially my fault,I'm glad I'm discovering and learning to cope with this now before I head for OSU. If I can learn to do this, everything else should fall into place!

All macro-nutrients met? NO- I didn't have a full fibrous carb for many of my meals
Calories counted? yes, except last meal was estimated
Logged specific meal? Yes!
Met calorie amount for day? My BMR + activity level -20% deficit = 2200 and yes I did!
Correct Macro-nutrient ratios? not fully
Tapered meals? Yes except for end

Solution: 1. Planning has unveiled itself in this program as extremely important PLAN AHEAD!
2. Carry and stash emergency whey powder and oats (dry) and a bottle of water.
3. Go shopping for more food items so as to not run out of any macro-nutrient (like fibrous carbs on Day 16)
Friday Aug 8 DAY 16 ( T-42)
Morning HIIT- 4 intense intervals @ 100%
Dancing for 45 minutes
Final Judgement:
My HIIT today was quite intense: refreshing during the workout but afterward I could feel a lot of pain in the back of my pelvis and knees. While dancing I often felt that same pain in my knees and it was hard to go fully. I no longer have a gym and will be doing my weight training at the workout room in my girlfriends apartment complex. This leaves me to have no low- resistance cardio equipment.

1. Find a low-intensity high calorie burning exercise that doesn't require exercise

DAY TOTAL JUDGEMENT: Day 16 was a B- day...Started out well but went a little down hill. Showing signs of improvement but I need to plan ahead in order to ensure that A.

Things to change/add:
1. I need to make a checklsit or chart for convenience that basically keeps me accountable for all of the stuff I need to do.

1 comment:

Ron said...

Hi Juan,

You're getting closer and closer to getting your nutrition plan together. I agree that nutrition is the part of the strategy that takes planning and preparation.

The good thing I see about you is that you are practicing feedback control, by continually evaluating what you have been doing and then making plans. That is something that I should be doing more of myself.

Keep going and you'll hit your stride very soon!