Monday, August 4, 2008

Day 12 (T-46): What a day!

Well today was quite the interesting day. Because I expected to start work today at UPS at 4:30 PM I and didn't know how intense it would be I didn't do my usual HIIT. So I ate right all day and went to UPS only to findout that my background check hadn't come through yet so I have to wait another week but I'm rethinking working there because I don't know if I can commit to a year of service there and I may want to work there later. Anyway, I've eaten right today and I went to a skate park for exercise after finding out I couldn't start work. I stayed there for like 3 hours and it really took a lot out of me. Tomorrow is day 13 and I'm taking a well needed free day. It's been a shaky start but things are coming together slowly. And I'd rather things come together slowly than come and go or never come at all. I expect to return from my free day with a refreshed mind set. I do have to go back to the house and work again. Wow, I am really sick of that house. Anyways I'm pretty tired and the motivation is on the low side. I'm feeling negative thoughts start to flow but in fact, this blog is what's keeping pulled in. I really do want this! And it's too easy to get demotivated with a bunch of shit going on in your life all the time but I'm trying and I'll make it. My life has been pretty crazy lately but I'm stickin to this because it's something I value in life. Being fit and eating healthy.

Shred on Shredders!
No camera yet

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about your UPS day. Are you saying that you are going to go to OSU fulltime and work at UPS? How many hours a week? Not to lecture but be careful of the amount of time you commit to working off campus. 10 - 11 hours a week would be a lot in my mind. Your studies come first. If you need a job for school, many times there are campus jobs that you can find. And, they are usually pretty flixible with the hours because they understand the needs of the students. I have two daughters who recently graduated and worked very part time through school. One worked in the admissions office and the other for the student housing office.

Back to the task at hand - what are your plans for weight lifting? Do you have a routine that you are working on? I think the shredders would be interested in hearing about it in a blog post.

If you need some ideas or help, there are many who will no doubt offer up some resources for you.

Don't get discouraged. Make your plans and shred on! You are going to do this Juan.