Saturday, August 2, 2008

Day 10 ( T-48): Steppin it up a notch!

Well, I'm feeling alright today! I started the day off as usual with some morning pre-breakfast HIIT and decided to really make it count. As you can see I have set out my goals clearly and printed them to have with me at all times and to read them throughout the day. At the end of my HIIT last interval in that last 30 seconds when I was about to give up, I imagined the girl from sixth grade saying those things to me..Saying to me, " You don't look so good in a bathing suit." That visualization is what honestly took me to the next level. I really felt as if I had broken barriers in my body and mind by pushing myself. I didn't know I could go there! I actually had imagined before that I would keel over and die if I took another step but in reality...IT'S ALL IN YOUR HEAD! Positive affirmations work! and making goals works because it engages your mind to action in a positive direction and pushes you out of your comfort zone.
I wrote in my goals about visualizing 1 week each day at a time. And that the definition of a great week is just one great day after another grouped together in a bundle of 7 to call it a GREAT WEEK. Imagine that! If you worked hard every single day of the week and everyday when you went to go put your head down to sleep you thought " Wow, I really worked hard today...I really pushed myself a little further!" If you had a week like that, you're sure to feel good and see improvements.
Putting things in this perspective really helped me to feel like my goal is accomplishable not just some distant dream! What I do today directly effects the outcome of my results!

Sorry no pic today...But I ate all my meals but one on time which I missed by one hour but was sure not to get of kilter and just return to my regular schedule : )

I am going to take some time to update on how I'm doing on this weeks goals VVV

GOAL 1. I am going to make a commitment RIGHT HERE AND RIGHT NOW TO WORK MY HARDEST THIS NEXT WEEK! I am just going to surge! I want this bad and I wanna feel the burn.
CHECK-IN: I feel that today I have proved that in my HIIT workout but I could still push more. Tomorrow I will try harder!

GOAL 2. I'm also making a goal for myself to have read BFFM by next Wednesday in its entirely.
CHECK-IN: I have read a little bit of BFFM but really need to step it up to meet this goal. I will plan to awake early tomorrow and read to make up lost reading time.

GOAL3. I'm also going to make 1 more goal and that is to have a comprhensive plan tomorrow morning for eating during the school year since the deadline is tomorrow for housing and meal changes I believe.
CHECK-IN: I did decide what I was to do next year in terms of eating for OSU and decided to keep my current meal plan with the university HOWEVER: I do need to make a more specific and controlled plan to ensure my success. I will work on this and have it done by wednesday to share with my blog readers.
GOAL4. I would also like to participate more on my blog and Interacting with others! Feel free to interact if you're reading.
CHECK-IN: I don't really feel I've done this! I want increase my support base and that includes getting involved within other peoples blogs and encouraging them: I guess you get what you put out there! I will work on this and implement interacting as a daily blogging habit to help my accountability and support.



Danny said...

Hey juan.
Some nice goals youve got there.
Best of luck :)

By the way, just for fun, are you interested in joining my push up challenge?
Everyone is making great results in it sofar.
Just letting you know.
Shred on

Anonymous said...

Great job articulating your Powerful Reasons Why. I also like the way you did the Check-in. This will help keep you accountable.

As far as the eating plan at OSU…. I’d imagine that within each university dining room you will have numerous food choices. Unfortunately, there will be as many poor choices available as good ones. Your plan needs to anticipate the temptation to grab some “fast food” between classes. Know what you need to eat. i.e. a portion of good protein, a portion of leafy green vegetable etc etc. You can control this if you have a plan in your mind before going into the dining room. Lastly, watch out for beer drinking – let’s be real, in a college setting there will be a lot of peer pressure to join the crowd on this matter. It can totally undo all you are striving for. Make a plan now on how you are going to deal with this. (end of lecture)

What are your plans for resistance training? No doubt OSU will have a great training center that you will be able to benefit from. Take full advantage. You definitely want to pack on some muscle.

Lastly, you seem to be putting a solid emphasis on how visualization fits into your strategy. For more information on this matter, check out John Gabriel’s book: The Gabriel Method. Good stuff. Here is a link to a You Tube clip of him:

You are doing great. Shred on Juan.