Thursday, July 31, 2008

Personal Reasons Why

1. Redemption
I will always remember the time when I was told by a girl I liked “You don’t look so good in a bathing suit!” That was a long time and I've Improved since then but...I don't ever want to hear that again. In fact my goal is to turn that opinion around! I want to look good in a bathing suit!
2. What I want





3.  Why am I putting myself through this? why?

Cause it's my life! I've always wanted to be really fit and this is my chance. This is my chance to show all of those people who made fun of me and doubted me! Now is my chance to feel confident and free and good and healthy about myself. Now is my chance! I will do this!

To be continued...

Day 8: Back on track

Here I come! Today I ate very well and started the day off with a nice run of HIIT. I could feel the burn in my butt for the rest of the day! haha. Well today was a good day in getting things back on track! I ate right and I exercised> Check! Now it's time to raise the bar. Tomorrow I will awake early and do an intensive ab workout which hopefully will leave me sore. 

My goals for tomorrow:
        -Eat flawlessly
        -Exercise hard!
         -See an improvement in my pic! Watch for it.
Tomorrow .... I'm gonna make it count!
I have a fear to confess: today I had the fear that this 30 day session would end up like Adam's first attempt! I truly am afraid and so I figure it's best to get it out in the open. Following this post I will post my personal reasons why!
Here are Day 8 pics:

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Day 7: Trying to get back in the game

So I went to orientation and it went great except for that my eating schedule was completely screwed up. Yesterday morning I did HIIT again and that went well again. It was hard during orientation and I probably could have done a better job of eating but it was so overwhelming.

Here's a list of somethings I will do:

1. I am going to make a commitment RIGHT HERE AND RIGHT NOW TO WORK MY HARDEST THIS NEXT WEEK! I am just going to surge! I want this bad and I wanna feel the burn.
2. I'm also making a goal for myself to have read BFFM by next Wednesday in its entirely.
3. I'm also going to make 1 more goal and that is to have a comprhensive plan tomorrow morning for eating during the school year since the deadline is tomorrow for housing and meal changes I believe.
4. I would also like to participate more on my blog and Interacting with others! Feel free to interact if you're reading.

Sorry... No self pic today...I'm at my aunts house and I gotta find an alternative.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Day 5: Things are looking up!

First of all I'd just like to thank everyone for all the insightful comments the last few days they've really help me to get through a rough spot and keep my mind positive and focused. Today when I awoke I felt immediately better and kept myself fueled throughout the day by telling myself "I will do this!...I will do this!" I woke up and soon after ate a whey shake then went for what I thought was going to be an extremely painful session of HIIT but to my suprise it was considerably better then last time! My endurance had improved! and next time I will add an interval.
Tomorrow I will  have OSU orientation and I'm quite excited for it although I am a bit concerned about how my eating will go tomorrow. I plan to make a tentative eating schedule for tomorrow and wednesday to keep myself on track. This week has certainly been interesting thus far so much as adjusting my lifestyle, workouts, eating schedule, and mentality on fitness! Both my mind and body have been put to the test to do things they weren't use to doing, and I'm really starting to see hope and promise for the future. 
I plan to post my Personal Reason Why and my fitness goals within a few days, however I don't believe I'll be able to post tomorrow do to orientation and not owning my own laptop yet. But dont worry! I'll return to my posting wednesday and I'll be glad to continue my journey! I can't Fail! I'm unstoppable! I am strong! I am Lean For LIFE!

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Day 4: A day of revelations

Today wasn't so hot...In fact I'd day the highlight of my day was seeing that my blog has been accepted to the 30 day challange and seeing all the comments I got! Thankyou so much...I am truly inspired and feel an immense gratitude to have support behind this movement of mine to become lean for life. As for the rest of the world around me...they're not as enthusiastic.
Well, the day began girlfriend just left for a week ( a source of support) but I'm okay with it. I started by reading BFFM some more and the more I read the more inspiring it gets! I really just think I'm going to try and devour that book this week (in terms of reading). I got caught up in reading and realized that I should really kick in and get my first meal. 
I decided last night that today would be more beneficial as a mostly resting day from my intense last few days since my body's not completely adjusted to ripping muscle fibers and this intensity. So, today I just did some Namaste Yoga on Fit tv and went to the pool for some laps and to stretch. My nuscles really feel better and I'm excited to start things off tomorrow with a good heavy breathing and heart pounding workout; the kind of workout that really gives you that great energized and free feel afterward. I'm really looking forward to it! So moving alonf...
My eating schedule today went fine for the most part except here comes the part about revelations...if you've been following my last 3 blog post you would have read a little about how I have been helping my family prepare the house for a family from Colombia who is coming. Well, as many have probably experienced, after days of working together solving complocated tasks and working your bodies, emotions start to run wild! and so ...that's what happened.
First of all my Grandma ( a nurse) accused me of being anorexic followed by my aunt and other ridiculing me for various things of really no significance but to get their feelings out at the expense of my being. It really hurt! and I felt awful...I still do! However, through all of this turmoil i was able to keep a clear head and separate the logic of what my family was telling me from their obvious explosive emotion. In doing so, I actually picked up on something I had no idea about that if continued could have done me harm...
In all of the throwing of hurtfull comments my aunt was ridiculing at how I'd been eating so much tuna lately (I have been eating probably like 4-5 cans a tuna a day to start off since it was a convenient source of protein) and she said something about how I was going to kill myself with al of the mercury in it . I STOPPED I was like " What!". So then after some googling and research I actually did discover that eating too much tuna can have damaging effects long term. So ha! Hidden within the mess of hurt was a gem..a saving grace! Hallelujah ! So...I'll be changing my eating regiment slightly to use a more variety of protein sources and only eating tuna every once in a while. 
Every day I learn more and more about fitness and nutrition and get more and more insight...I am on my way and nothing will ever stop me! It is my life...It is my destiny to become LEAN FOR LIFE! T
Thank you so much for the positive pressure shredders! It really helped, especially today. Thankyou.

Here are day 4 pics:

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Day 3: Feelin' the pain

Day 3 in of my ongoing journey and I already feel like i've been doing this for a long time. I can't imagine Adam Waters on his six-hundred something day! Wow! What an inspiration. 
Well, I started reading BFFM and am pleased with the refreshing information about goal setting. I've even started setting some goals that need to be specified but it's sort of exciting! 
Let's see.. When I woke up this morning and tried to do some pre-breakfast cardio my body felt extremely sore and i couldn't go on. I was to sore fore even light intensity early in the day but was later able to skateboard for about an hour to get some good amount of calories burned out there in the heat(I sweated like never before!). Well I'll be pretty brief today but overall I just felt sore today and I felt discouraged that I was too sore to really burn a lot of calories but afterall my body does need some rest and I certainly don't want to burnout. So, for tomorrow, I think I'll just rest up and maybe just do some ab work. I also want to find some good time tomorrow to do some serious reading on my new ebooks. So... Until next time..I'll be shreddin' , nutrilizin', and feelin the pain: ) Oh YEAH!


Friday, July 25, 2008

Day 2: HIIT kicks my butt

Today was a good day... I started off by waking up at around nine and looking up some info on HIIT on the internet and decided to try it. Well, I reawd some conflicting arguments discussing whether it was best to eat before doing HIIT or not. In the end, I decided to drink a whey shake with some blueberries in it (mixed in water) before and another shake with added oats after. The workout itself was really surprising. I struggled to keep time but it worked out alright. I ended up doing 4 intervals after warm up of 30sec full sprint and 30 sec walk. Well I can say that I think it's going to be really effective as I noticed how much it worked my body when trying to skateboard later in the day; my muscles were just spent. So anyway I did manage to do low intensity skateboarding for about 45 minutes but couldn't take anymore.  I've discovered the convenience of whey shakes and am continuing to expand my knowledge of exercise. 
Good News! I finally got ahold of BFFM, metabolic surge, and flatten abs. I;m excited to have them and have a lot of reading to do to continue to design my workouts and eating schedule. I think it's to early to see massive improvements but here are Day 2 pics:

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Day 1: Feelin Good!

Well, today officially marked the beginning of my 12 week journey! Let's review:   Yesterday I bought 30 cans of tuna for the week which I have put to good use today. I ate consistently every 2-3 hours while helping my family prepare my house for the new residents from Colombia. The work was a pain...especially in the back but I didn't feel like I could justify it as a workout. Today, in between putting down carpet and replacing porch steps I snook away to the computer to read some articles and do some research. I ended up finding some really good information on Nutrition and about reading food labels to check for different types of fats (good and bad). I also found a good resource for exercise demonstrations at and tried to find some motivational pictures mostly looking at make model images. 
I was busy doing the house all day, so I didn't get a chance to workout until 10 P.M. and decided to go running since I recently read that it was an effective method of burning high calories. I also read that jump roping is very effective as well and I think I'll try to implement it into my workouts soon.  So... I ran a round course on the streets by my house which I figured by driving and setting my odometer to be very close to 1 mile. I ran 4 times round in a half hour with only short breaks in between. Afterwards, I decided to change my plans...Instead of continuing to run for another half-hour, I went to my basement and Danced. I always listen to music when I workout( my secret weapon),  so I just decided to go in basement in front of a mirror and dance! At first I was all stiff from running but once I stretched out a little I really got into it. I got a really good workout and was glad I decided to switch it up! Oh by the way... When I was dancing, I used moves from a workout dvd my sister got called Hip-hop abs with Sean-T HEYY! haha but yeah...his moves really work your abs well even while you're standing and they keep you energized. By the time I was finished, I felt great!

I'm off to a good start and I'm getting a better idea of where I'm headed with this and it feels good!
Oh yeah... Here are my Day 1 photos

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Day 0: Here we go!

Despite some mishaps with some family budget problems I will begin training without BFFM or Metabolic Surge as I had planned. Today I will go to the YMCA and do a 1 hour cardio as well as lifting for chest. I will be posting my Powerful Reason why shortly and in about a week hope to have the money to purchase my materials but anyway I couldn't wait to start after this setback so I'm going ahead anyway. I will be keeping myself accountable via daily photo. I have now embarked on this journey to be lean 4 life and I'll never surrender.

Here are some Day 0 pics: