Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Well I've got to confess that these past few days haven't been the best by far and I've felt myself pull further from the blog. I'm just not concentrating on my goals at all. This is the last day of my first week on the weight training program and it's been rather lax in terms of meeting up with all of the standards. As school approaches I feel a daunting sense of close coming to the summer and feel urges to indulge in the last moments of a high school summer. I don't really feel guilty for this at all and believe that rare oppurtunities should be taken advantage of. I'm at a weak point , but I haven't given up. I will continue to come back to my blog everytime. I will use this blog for me to be a release and an oasis, not a burden and a dungeon. I've been thrown off my schedule in all senses of the matter in the past few days, mostly of my own accord and for the benefit of things in other areas of my life which hold priority like my relationships with people and other things.


     I believe the solution is to acheive balance once again in my life. I need to get back on a schedule, but not be on a schedule all of the time. I also need time to just do whatever i want and have fun. That's what I did today, and I don't feel bad at all about it. I'm not one to make excuses and I face my actions face to face. I need to get back on schedule.


juli gets happy said...

Hey Juan,

I like your solution a lot. It shows that you are training and thinking smart.

Keep it up.


Andrew said...

Hey Juan,

Everything in life is alll about balance, but finding that balance isn't easy. You've got to enjoy what your doing too. Sounds like times are tough from your goals perspective at the moment. At some stage we all think about quitting but just take it one day at a time.

Try mixing things up radically with your training, do something you have not done before or for a long time. Hang in there though mate, slow and steady.

Take care...

Anonymous said...

Juan - Don't over think this.

You just need to get yourself to the gym 3 times a week 45 - 60 minutes (no more) for your full body intense weight resistance training. Make it a priority - get to the gym - get it done and you'll still have plenty of time for fun.

As they say - Just Do it!

Marbella said...

Hi Juan,
So glad that you are enjoying the last of summer. Time to take it all in. What you need to do is to find a time to work on your goal. Maybe early morning and get it out of the way. Doing a teeny-bit every day will get you to goal. Doing nothing will be the pits and the ditch! I found that walking is perfect for me right this minute. Find something you love to do...maybe running, and make it important to do that one thing EVERY DAY. You can do it. I want to see you go forward. We believe in you.