Sunday, July 27, 2008

Day 4: A day of revelations

Today wasn't so hot...In fact I'd day the highlight of my day was seeing that my blog has been accepted to the 30 day challange and seeing all the comments I got! Thankyou so much...I am truly inspired and feel an immense gratitude to have support behind this movement of mine to become lean for life. As for the rest of the world around me...they're not as enthusiastic.
Well, the day began girlfriend just left for a week ( a source of support) but I'm okay with it. I started by reading BFFM some more and the more I read the more inspiring it gets! I really just think I'm going to try and devour that book this week (in terms of reading). I got caught up in reading and realized that I should really kick in and get my first meal. 
I decided last night that today would be more beneficial as a mostly resting day from my intense last few days since my body's not completely adjusted to ripping muscle fibers and this intensity. So, today I just did some Namaste Yoga on Fit tv and went to the pool for some laps and to stretch. My nuscles really feel better and I'm excited to start things off tomorrow with a good heavy breathing and heart pounding workout; the kind of workout that really gives you that great energized and free feel afterward. I'm really looking forward to it! So moving alonf...
My eating schedule today went fine for the most part except here comes the part about revelations...if you've been following my last 3 blog post you would have read a little about how I have been helping my family prepare the house for a family from Colombia who is coming. Well, as many have probably experienced, after days of working together solving complocated tasks and working your bodies, emotions start to run wild! and so ...that's what happened.
First of all my Grandma ( a nurse) accused me of being anorexic followed by my aunt and other ridiculing me for various things of really no significance but to get their feelings out at the expense of my being. It really hurt! and I felt awful...I still do! However, through all of this turmoil i was able to keep a clear head and separate the logic of what my family was telling me from their obvious explosive emotion. In doing so, I actually picked up on something I had no idea about that if continued could have done me harm...
In all of the throwing of hurtfull comments my aunt was ridiculing at how I'd been eating so much tuna lately (I have been eating probably like 4-5 cans a tuna a day to start off since it was a convenient source of protein) and she said something about how I was going to kill myself with al of the mercury in it . I STOPPED I was like " What!". So then after some googling and research I actually did discover that eating too much tuna can have damaging effects long term. So ha! Hidden within the mess of hurt was a gem..a saving grace! Hallelujah ! So...I'll be changing my eating regiment slightly to use a more variety of protein sources and only eating tuna every once in a while. 
Every day I learn more and more about fitness and nutrition and get more and more insight...I am on my way and nothing will ever stop me! It is my life...It is my destiny to become LEAN FOR LIFE! T
Thank you so much for the positive pressure shredders! It really helped, especially today. Thankyou.

Here are day 4 pics:


Jeremy said...


Sorry to hear about the turbulent events yesterday. Keep your head up!

Welcome to the shreddersphere,

Rock on,


ps. Tuna is not as bad as you might think. In order to suffer from mercury poisoning one would need to consume an extreme amount of at one time. Something I don't think will likely happen to you.

Furthermore, tuna has a tendency to affect woman more than men. Something to do with its influence on how children develop during pregnancy ...

Anonymous said...

Hey Juan,
It is unfortunate that family and friends who do not share your desire and enthusiasm, don't seem to support your efforts. You are definitely NOT alone in this. Unfortunately, this happens more often then not. Don't be discouraged. At some point in the future, when they see the increased muscle on you and witness your fit lifestyle, they won't be so negative. In fact some will want you to teach them how to do it. It will just take some time. Stick with it. You will accomplish this.

Debbie said...

Hi Juan, welcome to the Shredder BlogRoll! I look forward to watching your progress.
