Friday, July 25, 2008

Day 2: HIIT kicks my butt

Today was a good day... I started off by waking up at around nine and looking up some info on HIIT on the internet and decided to try it. Well, I reawd some conflicting arguments discussing whether it was best to eat before doing HIIT or not. In the end, I decided to drink a whey shake with some blueberries in it (mixed in water) before and another shake with added oats after. The workout itself was really surprising. I struggled to keep time but it worked out alright. I ended up doing 4 intervals after warm up of 30sec full sprint and 30 sec walk. Well I can say that I think it's going to be really effective as I noticed how much it worked my body when trying to skateboard later in the day; my muscles were just spent. So anyway I did manage to do low intensity skateboarding for about 45 minutes but couldn't take anymore.  I've discovered the convenience of whey shakes and am continuing to expand my knowledge of exercise. 
Good News! I finally got ahold of BFFM, metabolic surge, and flatten abs. I;m excited to have them and have a lot of reading to do to continue to design my workouts and eating schedule. I think it's to early to see massive improvements but here are Day 2 pics:

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