Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Day 34 (T-24) Wow Time is tickin away!!!

I just realized how quickly time is ticking away! 24 Days from left from when I set my 49 day goal! That's wild. I've been progressing well but am really going to have to step it up like never before. Tomorrow is measurement day and the start of a new week for me. Today I feel guilty again. Today marked the 10 month anniversary of my girlfriend and I's relationship. It was quite a special day and I feel closer to her now, than ever before. I allowed myself a free meal or probably the equivalent of two. My body didn't even take it well which is good because that means I've trained it to recognize and like food that's really good for it. However, I really do feel like in the midst of this process like if I don't step it up immediately it will slow me severely. Now, I've been quite tired lately and have sort of been taking it easy but maybe it just seems easy cause I haven't raised the bar. With school approaching in just 24 days and 23 tomorrow I don't have time to mess around! The goal is in sight and I believe in reach, and I've got a good chance of grabing it if I really buckle down and am strict with my schedule. I will do this! I have not come this far for failure and I will face my challenge head on and will be victorious. The Beginning has past, the middle has recently subsided, and now the final stage has begun in this 49 day quest! I WILL DO THIS


---30 minute morning cardio




Lulu said...

please don´t do this

juli gets happy said...

Congratulations to your anniversary...youwill pull through with success, Juan, just go for it.


Anonymous said...

You only feel guilt if you allow it. It is a trick of the Evil One to try and side track us from the next right thing in our lives - whatever that may be.

Refocus and move ahead with an eye on your goal. You wil accomplish this.

Congratualtions on your special day.