Sunday, August 31, 2008

Day 39 (T-19): Changes are coming

 Hi all.... Changes are coming to my posting: I have made a new accountability chart I will post tomorrow. I was knocked off balance by my surprising move where I was absent from posting for quite a few days and lost some important files I created to track my progress. I now have improved my Accountability chart and will start implementing it tomorrow
---Also, Tomorrow marks the first day that I will be able to use the gym @ OSU !!!!The RPAC, I'm very excited since I haven't had a home gym to workout at in quite some time. Changes are coming and I'm feeling good about them!

Today was an OFF day and High Cal maintenace eating day.


Saturday, August 30, 2008

Goal Body: What I would like to look like

These images are of the type of body that I would one day like to have. And that I will have!  : )

Day 38 (T-20): Disruptions

I missed a post last night, because I went out of town without planning carefully to make sure I could fit in my Program into the travels and being around bad choices. Yesterday I did well, Eating 6 meals and not cheating one bit. Yesterday I also did My ab workout and morning HIIT of 10 INTERVALS. It was truly a great day. Today however, I suffered a bit more.  I am suffering more turbulence from this plane ride in the transition to college and finding myself and my interests. SO many things are changing and it's a bit overwhelming. The way I view certain things and my interests as well as future plans are beginning to change and evolve and it is changing who I am myself. In the middle of all of this is me and this program I've started. It is in time like these that the blog truly plays a vital role in the long term success. The positive pressure always keeps you rebounding back to where you strayed from no matter what you did or how bad you ate! I must admit that today was not a blow out but was probably the worst day I've had in a while. I am being fully honest and hold myself accountable but will not feel guilt or ashamed. I was pulled and coerced by the people around me into making choices that were not of my own accord. I LEARNED SOMETHING TODAY: I must be absolutely sure of my core basic values, if not I am extremely vulnerable to have whatever values I have  knocked down and reshaped by the influence of others. 
I do feel bad today for making poor choices and not standing up for my values but in the process felt so manipulated and so untrue to myself that I was able to grow afterwards and realize that I need to be absolutely sure of what I'm doing and confident about it. I must know, that the value and the commitment of eating healthy and sticking to my plan is MORE IMPORTANT than anything else anybody tries to bring upon me. When someone offers me a hamburger or tries to ridicule me or coax me into some activity or choice not in accordance with my program, they are not respecting me and my life. THIS IS MY LIFE. And if they do not respect my eating program and my lifestyle, then they are not respecting me and I am in no way obligated to appease their wish to have me partake in some activity or make a food choice that is not ME. I will not do it. I am strong enough. I will stand up to anyone. My eating schedule and choices are always within my control. Even if I get stuck in a bad situation like I was today, It is still my fault for not planning ahead. I am blogging today to say that I am keeping myself accountable and I am continuing this program no matter what. YOU CAN ONLY FAIL IF YOU QUIT.

Thank you shredders for all of your support.

Shred on!


Thursday, August 28, 2008

Day 36 (T-22): Almost to 20 days!

ALL MEALS ARE (25% complex carb, 25% fibrous carb, 30% protein, 20% fat)
Meal 1: 440 cals (shake, apple, bred)
Meal 2: 425 cals (Carrots, toast and jam, whey and olive oil shake)
Meal 3: 407 cals (Turkeybacon, mixed veg and shishkakbob )
Meal 4: 333 cals (? I don't remember and forgot to record)
Meal 5: 314 cals (toast and jam, turkey bacon)
Meal 6: 296 cals: Granola bar, glass of milk, raisins

Calorie Total: 2200
Calorie Goal:? 2200
Final Judgment: I feel a lot better about how I did today. Still room for improvement however.
Sunday Aug 27 DAY 35 ( T-23)
---30 minute morning cardio

---3 sets of 20 fist push ups
-failure on 3rd set 13th rep
Working on a simpler accountability chart. Hopefully I'll have it up by tomorrow

NOTE ON PICS: I can see the muscle coming on slowly but it looks more rounded out, Now I need to continue with this muscle development and really put shredding cardio into high gear. 
DAY TOTAL JUDGEMENT: Good day! I feel good @ last and thank you for the comments Dougal and Juli they affirm my new found positive feelings!
I REALLY NEED IT (day 2 of needing it)

Things to change/add:
Need to get accountability chart up again since computer change.(2)

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Day 35 (T-23): Keepin it going

ALL MEALS ARE (25% complex carb, 25% fibrous carb, 30% protein, 20% fat)
Meal 1: 440 cals (Oat and whey shake,fruit)
Meal 2: 425 cals (Rice and chicken, apple)
Meal 3: 407 cals (Whey shake, Bread, apple )
Meal 4: 333 cals (whey shake, piece of bread, banana carrots)
Meal 5: 314 cals (")

Calorie Total: 2000
Calorie Goal:? 2200
Final Judgment: I'm realizing that none of this really matters without an accountability chart. It is my guidance and I need it back!
Sunday Aug 27 DAY 35 ( T-23)
---30 minute morning cardio

---AB workout


DAY TOTAL JUDGEMENT: Not a bad day, Could of used 6 meals but my focus got off! I need to stay on toop of myself with affirmations and accountability. I will do this, I will do this, I will do this.

Things to change/add:
Need to get accountability chart up again since computer change.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Day 34 (T-24) Wow Time is tickin away!!!

I just realized how quickly time is ticking away! 24 Days from left from when I set my 49 day goal! That's wild. I've been progressing well but am really going to have to step it up like never before. Tomorrow is measurement day and the start of a new week for me. Today I feel guilty again. Today marked the 10 month anniversary of my girlfriend and I's relationship. It was quite a special day and I feel closer to her now, than ever before. I allowed myself a free meal or probably the equivalent of two. My body didn't even take it well which is good because that means I've trained it to recognize and like food that's really good for it. However, I really do feel like in the midst of this process like if I don't step it up immediately it will slow me severely. Now, I've been quite tired lately and have sort of been taking it easy but maybe it just seems easy cause I haven't raised the bar. With school approaching in just 24 days and 23 tomorrow I don't have time to mess around! The goal is in sight and I believe in reach, and I've got a good chance of grabing it if I really buckle down and am strict with my schedule. I will do this! I have not come this far for failure and I will face my challenge head on and will be victorious. The Beginning has past, the middle has recently subsided, and now the final stage has begun in this 49 day quest! I WILL DO THIS


---30 minute morning cardio



Monday, August 25, 2008

Day 33 (T-25): Good day

ALL MEALS ARE (25% complex carb, 25% fibrous carb, 30% protein, 20% fat)
Meal 1: 440 cals (Oat and whey shake,fruit)
Meal 2: 425 cals (")
Meal 3: 407 cals (Raisin bran and milk, fruit )
Meal 4: 333 cals (whey shake, piece of bread, banana carrots)
Meal 5: 314 cals (rice and curry beans, soy milk)
Whey shake after workout and .5 banana
Meal 6: 400? ( Small salad, chicken and beef skewers, potatoes)

Calorie Total: 2500?
Calorie Goal:? I didn't specify
Final Judgment: I would consider today a maintanence level day however maybe it wasn't. I had dinner with my cousin, his wife, and their friend, and felt like I ate a lot but in reality I really didn't and the food was all healthy and well proportioned. I think I'm just not used to eating so much so late! But...overall, a good day!

Sunday Aug 23 DAY 31 ( T-26)
---30 minute morning cardio

---Full Body weights

Continue to chug away and just do as scheduled nothing's broken so I'm not fixin it!

DAY TOTAL JUDGEMENT: Great day really, wish I could've gotten another cardio in towards the evening but heck I already had a morning 30 minutes: Great day!

Things to change/add:
Need to get accountability chart up again since computer change.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Day 32 (T-26): continued progress

ALL MEALS ARE (25% complex carb, 25% fibrous carb, 30% protein, 20% fat)
Meal 1: 440 cals (Oat and whey shake,carrots)
Meal 2: 425 cals (Whey shake, bread, carrots)
Meal 3: 407 cals (Tuna, trisquits,banana apple)
Meal 4: 333 cals (Subway 6 in )
Meal 5: 314 cals (Other half of subway)

Calorie Total: 2000
Calorie Goal: 2200
Final Judgment: I was much better today about staying on track but could still use some improvement.

Sunday Aug 23 DAY 31 ( T-26)
---Cardio: 30 minute morning fasted cardio


Continue to chug away and just do as scheduled nothing's broken so I'm not fixin it!

DAY TOTAL JUDGEMENT: Overall a good OFF day with fasted cardio and good nutrition

Things to change/add:
Need to get accountability chart up again since computer change.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Day 31 (T-27): Ab crunchen

ALL MEALS ARE (25% complex carb, 25% fibrous carb, 30% protein, 20% fat)
Meal 1: 440 cals (Banana,Protein shake,Cereal)
Meal 2: 425 cals (Subway sandwhich, Honey oat, chicken breast, all veg toppings)
Meal 3: 407 cals (Corn, turkey,lettuce, tomato wrap)
Meal 4: 333 cals (TBA)
Meal 5: 314 cals (TBA)
Meal 6: 296 cals (TBA)

Calorie Total: ?
Calorie Goal: 2200
Final Judgment: Good healthy eating, however I need count my proportions and cals better, I'm a bit off track but nothing detrimental. Best thing to do is just jump back on!

Sunday Aug 23 DAY 31 ( T-26)
---Cardio: 30 minute Stair stepper

---Ab workout

Continue to chug away and just do as scheduled nothing's broken so I'm not fixin it!

DAY TOTAL JUDGEMENT: Despite straying from my exact track today and not writing in my notebook I've been progressing and following well. However, I shouldn't discount these things because I DO understand that, although miniscule, these things are what keep me going and on top of things when times are rough and I'm busy.


Things to change/add:

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Reward meal and day of rest

Just doing a quick sign in today to keep up on my blog. I feel very accomplished to have reached four weeks and my body has been really taking a beating so I decided to reward myself with a day of rest and a free meal. Back into full swing tomorrow though and I can't wait to get shreddin again now that I've come this far.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Day 28 ( T-30): 4 WEEKS DOWN 30 Days left!

This is a pivotal point in my progress. Although I've had some trouble getting consistent and accurate on my blog I can honestly say to myself and to everyone that my diet and program has been consistent and improving through these past 4 weeks! Wow 4 weeks this is sweet and is just going to pump me more.

----New Measurements----
Weight: 141 lbs. > Difference of 1 pound since last week
Body fat: 9.5mm ~10% body fat > Difference of 1.5 mm and .5 % body fat
LBM: 126.9 > negative difference of about .2 lbs

ALL MEALS ARE (25% complex carb, 25% fibrous carb, 30% protein, 20% fat)
Meal 1: 440 cals (Cereal and grapes)
Meal 2: 425 cals (Bread, Chiken, meat, grapes)
Meal 3: 407 cals (Falafel, whole wheat pita, plum)
Meal 4: 333 cals (Corn, Chicken, whole wheat spaghetti, rice milk)
Meal 5: 314 cals (Kashi Cereal and milk)
Meal 6: 296 cals (Whey shake pre and post weight training)

Calorie Total: 2200
Calorie Goal: 2200
Final Judgment: I had great and healthy food today...delicious and nutritious! : ) ________________________________________________________________
Sunday Aug 16 DAY 24 ( T-40)
---Cardio: HIIT 8 intervals

---Did full body weights and I feel good. I'm to the point now where the recovery doesn't even hurt and I'm able to really pump it in the gym!

Continue to chug away and just do as scheduled nothing's broken so I'm not fixin it!

DAY TOTAL JUDGEMENT: Great day: Feels good to be blogging again. I feel like a true shredder

Hope to remake my chart soon: My old one was left at my aunts house: Maybe I'll get her to email it to me...maybe.

Things to change/add:
Good News: Since I'm starting school soon I'm going to get a macbook...can't decide whether to go pro or not...any suggestions?

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Day 27 (T-31): I'm back and well!

I sincerely apologize for my abrupt absence in writing my blogs. During this past week, some dramatic events occurred with family which resulted in a change of my residence. These events caused my consisting in blogging to be disrupted but not my program! I have continued working hard and am progressing aggressively!

Summary of Friday D23-TuesdayD27:
Friday D23: Low Cal: All task complete minus weight training due to recent wrist injury which is healing
Saturday D24: Low Cal: All task complete including Cardio and ab training
Sunday D25: High Cal: Rest day - HIIT morning and Eating schedule followed.
Monday D26: High Cal: Most tasks complete: Weight schedule followed
Tuesday D27: Low Cal: All tasks completed: Ab schedule followed

All I can say is that the start of school is encroaching and my plan is really being put to the test. The good news is, I'm succeeding!

Tomorrow I will do measurements first thing in the morning to track progress.

I shall never quit no matter what I'm put through this is mine and I am LEAN FOR LIFE!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Day 22 (T-36): Straight back into action

---Yesterday was a rest/free day. I ate moderately, being conscious not to take it overboard but I did indulge in a cookie as well as some cheese. I feel it was a productive day in terms of recovering both my body and mind and by the end of the day I was itching to get going again. It really reminded me what it was like to be "normal" which turned out to be a good thing. I found out that most people aren't even aware of what kind of fuel they're putting into their gas tanks. It also helped to eliminate a feeling i'd been having when I saw out of shape people or people eating sweets and "yummy food". I have been looking at these people and actually feeling a bit jealous because they got to eat yummy food and didn't even care what their body look like. But after yesterday I've stopped having those feeling and I feel good about what I'm doing and realize that I am actually better off because not only do I get to occasionally enjoy those good foods but I enjoy them more and appreciate them more in moderation than as a constant like water. Also, the food I eat keeps my mind and body in balance and makes me feel healthy, strong, and guilt-free! I'm glad I took the rest/free day because now I'm going stronger than ever and feel great!
Day # 4 of high speed training was another great success! 3 Down 37 more to go!
ALL MEALS ARE (25% complex carb, 25% fibrous carb, 30% protein, 20% fat)
Meal 1: 440 cals (whey& oat& olive oil, peach)
Meal 2: 425 cals (")
Meal 3: 407 cals (")
Meal 4: 333 cals: (Tilapia, whole wheat crackers, mix veg)
Meal 5: 314 cals (Vegetarian Lasagna and Chicken Breast)
Meal 6: 296 cals ( Protein Shake & Bean tortilla)

Calorie Total: 2200
Calorie Goal: 2200
Final Judgment: I squeezed in 6 meals today despite awaking a little later ( 8am) then scheduled. I ate well today and will start to find new sources of variety soon. Recipes and what not from a source I know.
2. Look up recipes for healthy eating that fit meal macronutirents
3. Get A LOT of sleep tonight...again.
Sunday Aug 10 DAY 18 ( T-40)
---HIIT : 6 Intervals
---1.5-2 hour skateboarding

---FULL AB WORKOUT: I found a great new workout on youtube and it really kills. I will be doing this 3 times per week: Tue,Thu, and Sat.

1. Tomorrow go to the gym and go through routine
2. Everything is set up! JUST CHUG AWAY and the fat will MELT!

DAY TOTAL JUDGEMENT: Sitting here tonight I feel tired which must mean it was a productive day haha : ). That new ab workout is great and now that I have that figured out I'm feeling pretty confident. 21 days have past by now and I can definitely feel the habits sinking in nicely. It's really amazing! It's as body's use to succeeding!


Things to change/add: (still)
1. I will continue to improve my blog hopefully finding a reliable and consistent camera
2. I can improve my blog by posting PRW on the side and also by posting motivational pics!
More Pics Today! : )

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Day 20 (T-38): Boo yah!

---Hey ya'll I'm feeling good at last although I did cry it's been a while since I cried like that. I was missing my mom and sister and talk to them on the phone and then the tears just started flowing oat. I guess you don't really know what've you've got until it's gone. : )
I realized today that everyone in the world is just family. And us in the shredder community are a family too. We are bound by unspoken bond that has brought us together to support each other and accomplish are biggest dreams. Look at Adam! What an inspiration! and look at what is going on here. This is a great thing and has helped me tremendously. Larry: I'm throwing you out a shout out for being such a supportive friend. Thanks man. And thank you everyone! We are in this together. Shred on Shredders!
Day # 3 of high speed training was another great success! 3 Down 37 more to go!
ALL MEALS ARE (25% complex carb, 25% fibrous carb, 30% protein, 20% fat)
Meal 1: 440 cals (whey& oat& olive oil, mix veg)
Meal 2: 425 cals (")
Meal 3: 407 cals (Tilapia, cracker, veg, penuts)
Meal 4: 333 cals: ?44
Meal 5: 314 cals ( oat & whey shake, penuts)Meal 6: 296 cals

Calorie Total: 1920
Calorie Goal: 2200
Final Judgment: Today was a great day despite the fact that I slept in and only got 5 meals.

2. Look up recipes for healthy eating that fit meal macronutirents
3. Get A LOT of sleep tonight...again.
4. I should plan ahead for tomorrow it's going to be sloppy: weight schedule and cardio and food.
Sunday Aug 10 DAY 18 ( T-40)
---1.5-2 hour skateboarding

---OFF---tomorrow I need to make arrangements to workout since I'm going to be leaving early in the morning and wont have access to a gym. I think I'll go really early in the morning. I'm going to sleep at 9:45

Solution: Plan AHEAD I CAN DO THIS!


DAY TOTAL JUDGEMENT: Another great day...I got a chance to sleep in today and even took a nap ( I think my body's healing). Because of sleeping in i didn't get but 5 meals in but that's okay cause I kick @$$ in HIIT this morning and even got another long and enjoyable cardio session through skateboarding. I really need to plan well for tomorrow! Be with me guys: I will do this!


Things to change/add: (still)
1. I will continue to improve my blog hopefully finding a reliable and consistent camera
2. I can improve my blog by posting PRW on the side and also by posting motivational pics!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Day 19 (T-39): Successful Day # 2

Day # 2 of high speed training was a great success! 2 Down 38 more to go!
ALL MEALS ARE (25% complex carb, 25% fibrous carb, 30% protein, 20% fat)
Meal 1: 440 cals (whey& oat& olive oil, mix veg)
Meal 2: 425 cals (whey&water w/cereal, mix veg)
Meal 3: 407 cals (Tilapia, veg, protein shake)
Meal 4: 333 cals (")
Meal 5: 314 cals (whey&water w/cereal, mix veg)
Meal 6: 296 cals ( oat & whey shake, apple)

Calorie Total: 2220
Calorie Goal: 2200
Final Judgment: Today was a great day: I am utterly exhausted however! Perfect eating wise: Variety could still use some work.

2. Look up recipes for healthy eating that fit meal macronutirents
3. Get A LOT of sleep tonight.
Sunday Aug 10 DAY 18 ( T-40)
---25 minute fasted cardio
---30 minutes dancing

---I changed my weight routine realizing that I am a beginner. Today I completed a full body resistance workout. MON( Check) WED FRI
Final Judgement: Today I did exactly what I needed to do! again! I love consistency!

Solution: I NEED SLEEP


DAY TOTAL JUDGEMENT: Another great day...I'm going to sleep in tomorrow since I've been deprived the last couple of nights and possibly have to adjust my eating times to accommodate.


Things to change/add:
1. I will continue to improve my blog hopefully finding a reliable and consistent camera
2. I can improve my blog by posting PRW on the side and also by posting motivational pics!


Sunday, August 10, 2008

Day 18 (T-40): I am a machine!

Today is the first REAL day! Today is the day that I start sprinting towards my goal...Everything before was a warm up! I'm never looking back. My journey has hit full speed and I am a machine accelerating at dangerous speeds towards my goal. I am a furious train and no one will stop me!This is mine! This is for me!
ALL MEALS ARE (25% complex carb, 25% fibrous carb, 30% protein, 20% fat)
Meal 1: 554 cals (Whey Shake,Oats,olive oil, Pickles)
Meal 2:525 cals (Milk, cereal, apples)
Meal 3: 513 cals (whey and oats shake, apples)
Meal 4: 420 cals (whey and oat shake, mixed vegies)
Meal 5: 407 cals ( Tilapia, wheat crackers, mixed vegies) Delish ;)
Meal 6: 360 cals (Milk and cereal)

Calorie Total: 2600 cals
Calorie Goal: 2600 cals
Final Judgment: Today was an excellent day. Today is the first of a streak of strong an unrelenting days to come. I will attempt to add more varitety to my eating schedule. Tomorrow I will return to a low calorie (deficit plan). My metabolism should be boosted somewhat and ready to start roaring again. I will need a good night's sleep tonight for tomorrow will bring intense cardio and weight training.

Sunday Aug 10 DAY 18 ( T-40)
---30 minute fasted cardio
---2 hour skateboarding

---Tomorrow I will begin on weights doing: Chest, Shoulders, Triceps, and Abs.

Final Judgement: Today I did exactly what I needed to do!

Solution: Tomorrow I will find a place to do weights or I will do them all on my own.


DAY TOTAL JUDGEMENT: One successful day down 39 to GO! Just 39! Everyday counts! I am now in a tunnel and the only way out is to succeed. Anything I believe in is possible!


Things to change/add:
1. I will continue to improve my blog hopefully finding a reliable and consistent camera


Day 17 (T-40): Pool Party...New accountability log

I will have 2 posts today. This is for Day 17. I thought I was too tired to post last night at 1:00 but that was only my fault and due to not planning ahead enough again! What can I say..I'm a teenager... however I do recognize my faults and am trying to improve.


Meal 1: 430 cals (grapes and oats, whey shake)
Meal 2:405 cals (101.25 carbs 1&2, 135 protein)
Meal 3: 396 cals (")
Meal 4: 324 cals ( 196.5 carbs 1&2, 108 protein)
Meal 5: 315 cals (158 carbs 1&2,105 protein)
Meal 6: 300 cals (150 carbs 1&2, 100 proteins)

Calorie Total: 2170 cals
Calorie Goal: 2200
Final Judgement: Pretty good day eating wise...additional planning is still needed. I had a pool party and fortunately there was some healthy choices there that fit into my diet! Actually come to think of it I did pack my shake materials including whey and oats just in case...No fibrous carb though!

1. I need to find a portable and easy source of a fibrous carb to add to my shakes or for on the go! (I could get some frozen fruit if I prepared before hand but I need something to just add in...ground up vegies?)
Saturday Aug 9 DAY 17 ( T-41)
---1 hour fasted cardio

---schedule conflicts and lack of planning caused me to miss my workout shedule: Also it's hard to find a place to workout since I'm at my aunts house and am trying to get a job but currently don't have enough money to join a gym. The only gym I can use is at my gf's appt. complex and that's not always convenient.

Final Judgement: I took a break from HIIT this morning and just did a 1 hour fasted cardio because after my last intense workout my joints in my knees and pelvis were really hurting and starting to concern me. I will start HIIT again on monday. Good day besides the missing my weight schedule which is a biggie!

Solution: I need to either:
---1. Find some additional free more convenient workout places
or-2. Design my own weight resistance training workout to do around the house.


DAY TOTAL JUDGEMENT: Good day eating, Good day cardio, Bad day Weights!


Things to change/add:
1. I will continue to improve my blog hopefully finding a reliable and consistent camera
2. Find a weight routine without needing the gym...have any suggestion


Saturday, August 9, 2008

Day 16 (T-42): I give myseff a B-

I'm posting this morning because I got in late last night and was completely exhausted.
Day 16 was for the most part a good day.


Meal 1: 450 cals (whey 30%, Oats 50%, Olive oil 20%)
Meal 2: 400 cals (1 cup of cereal and milk, added whey, and grapes)-50-30-20
Meal 3: 350 cals (4 egg whites, .5 cup of oats, Protein and Olive oil shake)-50-30-20
Meal 4: 300 cals (whey and oats shake) 50-30-20
Meals 5: 310 cals Power Bar
Meal 6: ? I went to a dinner and ate a vegetable soup and some zuchini keash and half of a blueberry zuchini bread.

Calorie Total: ~ estimate~ 2210-2310
Final Judgement: I tried hard today but the fact is that I started off the day strong with balanced and full meals but due to my lack of planning and carelessness about making dinner plans and having to go help the lady new in my house, I got quite off track. Another note: I got really dehydrated while driving to the dinner and I felt really awful with a headache and all . The ironic thing is that I just finished reading the BFFM chapter on the importance of daily water intake. AGAIN due to my lack of planning. Day 17 will be a challenge to see if I can change my ways: I have a birthday party to go to and there are sure to be unhealthy choices so I NEED to plan ahead and pack food if necessary. although it doesn't feel good to realize that messing my eating schedule was essentially my fault,I'm glad I'm discovering and learning to cope with this now before I head for OSU. If I can learn to do this, everything else should fall into place!

All macro-nutrients met? NO- I didn't have a full fibrous carb for many of my meals
Calories counted? yes, except last meal was estimated
Logged specific meal? Yes!
Met calorie amount for day? My BMR + activity level -20% deficit = 2200 and yes I did!
Correct Macro-nutrient ratios? not fully
Tapered meals? Yes except for end

Solution: 1. Planning has unveiled itself in this program as extremely important PLAN AHEAD!
2. Carry and stash emergency whey powder and oats (dry) and a bottle of water.
3. Go shopping for more food items so as to not run out of any macro-nutrient (like fibrous carbs on Day 16)
Friday Aug 8 DAY 16 ( T-42)
Morning HIIT- 4 intense intervals @ 100%
Dancing for 45 minutes
Final Judgement:
My HIIT today was quite intense: refreshing during the workout but afterward I could feel a lot of pain in the back of my pelvis and knees. While dancing I often felt that same pain in my knees and it was hard to go fully. I no longer have a gym and will be doing my weight training at the workout room in my girlfriends apartment complex. This leaves me to have no low- resistance cardio equipment.

1. Find a low-intensity high calorie burning exercise that doesn't require exercise

DAY TOTAL JUDGEMENT: Day 16 was a B- day...Started out well but went a little down hill. Showing signs of improvement but I need to plan ahead in order to ensure that A.

Things to change/add:
1. I need to make a checklsit or chart for convenience that basically keeps me accountable for all of the stuff I need to do.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Day 15 (T-43): I feel that I earned it

Today was the first day in a long time that I feel I earned the respect of even myself. I have been in a haze of unclarity partly due to my circumstances and partly due to lack of information and research but I sure worked it today.

I kept an eating and workout log today and will continue to do so, posting my results each day
Meal 1: 370 cals ( Whey shake with 1/2 cup of oats and grapes)
Meal 2: 318 cals ( I don't remember? I know that al lmy meals fit all of the 3 macronutirents)
Meal 3: ~300 cals ?
Meal 4: 300 cals ?
Meals 5: 450 cals (chiken sandwhich and corn on the cob (lightly buttered) )
Meal 6: 325 Bowl of Kashi Winter Wheat? and .5 cup of D milk and .5 cup of Soy milk(not intentional- I just ran out)
Also I lifted weights at around 9:00 pm and had a protein shake of 110 calories

Calorie Total: 2173
Final Judgement:
All macro-nutrients met? yes
Calories counted? yes
Logged specific meal? not for all
Met calorie amount for day? - I need to calculate how much I need
Correct Macro-nutrient ratios? - I didn't consider that in all my meals- (I just put a portion of each
Tapered meals? Not fully
Thursday Aug 7 DAY 15 ( T-43)
~7 am : HIIT 6 interval
Evening Cardio: None- too late and have an early rise tomorrow
~9 pm : Chest: 62.5 X 8....75X6....75X6
Bicep: 37.5X12....37.5X12....50X8
Lat Pull down: 37.5X12....50X12....50X12

Final Judgement: I did well today to start weight training but it wasn't ideal at all: I actually just changed my plan from the original one that had me only working bicep,chest,abs, and butt because I was confused on the concept of maintaining LBM by working muscles all around not just parts I wanted to improve and let other ones shrink and lose LBM. So... today didn't follow quite exactly as my new Weight training schedule says but I'm happy to be getting somewhere! : )

1.Next time Follow weight program more accurately
2. In addition, right down the difficulty of each set LIVE.
3. Right down the specific muscle groups worked and machine being worked on for EVERY exercise.
4. Use the proper method of increasing weight> First more sets...then more weight.

DAY TOTAL JUDGEMENT: Relative to days in the past, today was a good day. In reading BFFM like a mad man, I finally made a break through which I didn't understand before: I didn't understand the concept of the Zig-Zag method and what exact plan to follow so I was just kind of doing whatever until I figured it out. I ate right, but I didn't pay attention to calories or have a set goal of fat loss or muscle gain.

-My goal is essentially the same except that now it is:
-% Fat loss with Muscle maintenance
- My goal is to be down to under 10% body fat from 12.5 % by September 18th and have maintained my lean body mass at 125 pounds.
-My Goal weight is 137.3 pounds according to the accumeasure body fat caliper formula.

Current Goal: Maintain LBM of 125 lbs. AND Decrease body fat % of 12.5 % to <10%

I am adapting a new weight training schedule from BFFM that goes as follows:

Variant 1: Four day routine (more aggressive)
Works each muscle once every three to four days
Wed: Off
Fri: Off

Repeat each week exactly as shown above

As my goal is fat loss in addition to this weight training schedule I will also be hitting cardio very hard:

Most mornings (5-6 days/week) I will do HIIT to kick my metabolism in the booty and help me to earn my big breakfast (biggest meal of the day!)

I will then do 45 minutes of medium-high intensity cardio (not too high as to burn muscle) later in the day (evening most likely)

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Day 14 (T-44): Almost done researching

I'm working on revamping my program . I know it seems messy but I've been really working hard on reading my resources and getting stuff together. The begining wasn't ideal but I have my eyes set on my goal and making the preparations to get there on time in 44 days from now! I'm quite tired today so I'll be brief but I basically just ate right today read a whole lot of BFFM and did morning HIIT . Tomorrow I will begin weight training. Stay tuned changes are coming!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Day 12 (T-46): What a day!

Well today was quite the interesting day. Because I expected to start work today at UPS at 4:30 PM I and didn't know how intense it would be I didn't do my usual HIIT. So I ate right all day and went to UPS only to findout that my background check hadn't come through yet so I have to wait another week but I'm rethinking working there because I don't know if I can commit to a year of service there and I may want to work there later. Anyway, I've eaten right today and I went to a skate park for exercise after finding out I couldn't start work. I stayed there for like 3 hours and it really took a lot out of me. Tomorrow is day 13 and I'm taking a well needed free day. It's been a shaky start but things are coming together slowly. And I'd rather things come together slowly than come and go or never come at all. I expect to return from my free day with a refreshed mind set. I do have to go back to the house and work again. Wow, I am really sick of that house. Anyways I'm pretty tired and the motivation is on the low side. I'm feeling negative thoughts start to flow but in fact, this blog is what's keeping pulled in. I really do want this! And it's too easy to get demotivated with a bunch of shit going on in your life all the time but I'm trying and I'll make it. My life has been pretty crazy lately but I'm stickin to this because it's something I value in life. Being fit and eating healthy.

Shred on Shredders!
No camera yet

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Day 11 (T-47): Rest and study day (sorta)

It seems like this is the first day in a while that I haven't started off the day with some morning HIIT and I kinda miss it. I did this because I knew I had to go and do semi-intensive labor cleaning for a large part of the day. Today I went back to do some finishing work on the house (I'm now at my aunts house until OSU starts) to get it ready for the exchange family. I worked really hard and while working could even feel my knees soar from the intensive HIIT I did yesterday so I was glad I took a break for the sake of my joints.
Tomorrow is the first day of my job at UPS which I know will be pretty labor intensive so I think it best not to workout in the morning since my job starts at 4:30 and can go up to 9:30 lifting and moving packages in a humid trailer. Based on how intense it is I will gauge what exercises outside of work I can do and not wear myself out completely. So...we'll see but either way I'm going to get a good workout tomorrow and of course I will continue to eat my 6 meals.
Well I'm pretty tired so this is all for today and sorry about the picture situation. I'm working to get a camera lined up and no matter what I'll have one within a week.

Shred on Shredders

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Day 10 ( T-48): Steppin it up a notch!

Well, I'm feeling alright today! I started the day off as usual with some morning pre-breakfast HIIT and decided to really make it count. As you can see I have set out my goals clearly and printed them to have with me at all times and to read them throughout the day. At the end of my HIIT last interval in that last 30 seconds when I was about to give up, I imagined the girl from sixth grade saying those things to me..Saying to me, " You don't look so good in a bathing suit." That visualization is what honestly took me to the next level. I really felt as if I had broken barriers in my body and mind by pushing myself. I didn't know I could go there! I actually had imagined before that I would keel over and die if I took another step but in reality...IT'S ALL IN YOUR HEAD! Positive affirmations work! and making goals works because it engages your mind to action in a positive direction and pushes you out of your comfort zone.
I wrote in my goals about visualizing 1 week each day at a time. And that the definition of a great week is just one great day after another grouped together in a bundle of 7 to call it a GREAT WEEK. Imagine that! If you worked hard every single day of the week and everyday when you went to go put your head down to sleep you thought " Wow, I really worked hard today...I really pushed myself a little further!" If you had a week like that, you're sure to feel good and see improvements.
Putting things in this perspective really helped me to feel like my goal is accomplishable not just some distant dream! What I do today directly effects the outcome of my results!

Sorry no pic today...But I ate all my meals but one on time which I missed by one hour but was sure not to get of kilter and just return to my regular schedule : )

I am going to take some time to update on how I'm doing on this weeks goals VVV

GOAL 1. I am going to make a commitment RIGHT HERE AND RIGHT NOW TO WORK MY HARDEST THIS NEXT WEEK! I am just going to surge! I want this bad and I wanna feel the burn.
CHECK-IN: I feel that today I have proved that in my HIIT workout but I could still push more. Tomorrow I will try harder!

GOAL 2. I'm also making a goal for myself to have read BFFM by next Wednesday in its entirely.
CHECK-IN: I have read a little bit of BFFM but really need to step it up to meet this goal. I will plan to awake early tomorrow and read to make up lost reading time.

GOAL3. I'm also going to make 1 more goal and that is to have a comprhensive plan tomorrow morning for eating during the school year since the deadline is tomorrow for housing and meal changes I believe.
CHECK-IN: I did decide what I was to do next year in terms of eating for OSU and decided to keep my current meal plan with the university HOWEVER: I do need to make a more specific and controlled plan to ensure my success. I will work on this and have it done by wednesday to share with my blog readers.
GOAL4. I would also like to participate more on my blog and Interacting with others! Feel free to interact if you're reading.
CHECK-IN: I don't really feel I've done this! I want increase my support base and that includes getting involved within other peoples blogs and encouraging them: I guess you get what you put out there! I will work on this and implement interacting as a daily blogging habit to help my accountability and support.


New Goals!!! T minus 48 days

49 day goal: I'm already there...I'm just waiting for my body to catch up!!

I am so happy and thankful now that my body fat is in the single digits. I am now 9% body fat and I look great!

I am surprising (and shocking) my friends and family who I have not seen in a while by the way I look at Christmas time.

I am an inspiration to my family to lose weight, be fit, and eat healthy.

I am surprising friends when we meet at the start of school by the way I look and they are asking about how i did it.

I am keeping up these lifestyle changes when the 12-week program is over.

I am reaching my ideal weight and body fat composition by the start of school so i can show off my body at college.

I always carry my goal card with me at all times and read it as often as possible (at least

three times a day).

I am reaching my goal of 9% body fat and by September 18th. I know this is a little fast but it is my dream for School starting.

I am now leaner than I was before this workout!

I am stronger and leaner than yesterday.

Today, I am improving my body

Each day is another step towards my goal.

Today, I am making efforts to be one step closer to my goal.

All a GREAT WEEK truly is, (read each day and visualize the work done in each day to make a great week)is a successful day......

followed by another successful day...... followed by another successful day followed by another successful day

followed by another successful day followed by another successful day followed by another successful day! What a terrific week!

It is sometimes hard to comprehend the goal period of 49 days. I am having a great 49 day period of success.

Each great day is just one step closer to a successful week! and each week is just one week closer to a successful 7 weeks.

Each week is one week closer! And I am improving all of the time and feel great about.

I feel free of worries because I am doing such a fantastic job and working my hardest to accomplish my goals!

I am feeling Great for working so hard today and this week!

I am keeping up the good work!

Heads are turning when I take my shirt off.

My girlfriends is extremely attracted to me now and appreciates my effort to look attractive for her.

I eat six, small meals every day, each with a serving of lean protein,

complex carbohydrate, and fibrous carbohydrate, preparing my food in advance every morning.

I take my vitamin and allergy meds every day.


My mid-section: stomach and abs, are as tight as a a drum head and sleek and deadly attractive. my chest has nice form and shape and is muscle bound. I feel strong, I feel free of the chains of fatness and embarrassment. i have finally arrived to the place I have beenlonging for and i feel like I can finally take a deep breath in, inhaling the cool, fresh air deep within my cavity as a new man, a new body; not ashamed of my former visage, not scared or guilty of having killed it. The chubby little boy is still alive. The caterpillar has not died but has simply transformed, manifesting itself into it's truest form. The same form that could be seen hidden inside the body of the chubby boy; That same light and that same truth that nobody saw inside him but himself, that has always remained
trapped inside....... I am no longer tied and bound by this inaccurate and deceiving image. I am free for the world to see my true colors and see my true being. I am a strong butterfly redeemed proudly on a high branch: free, beautiful, and justified.

REDEMPTION VIDEO(To come when my goal is accomplished): "You don't look so good in a bathing suit!" - Katie Nock, Summer of 6th grade

Friday, August 1, 2008

Day 9: Trying to make things official

Well gang... Way back 9 days ago when i decided to embark on this journey I had alread waited atleast 4 days to get started and a fire was just burnin' in me to begin. So, tired of waiting I began regardless of the fact that I didn't have any resources and regardless of the fact that my mom was leaving the country and i had the most stressful week of my life in front of me but guess what? I made it this far haven't I? I think that if I can pull it off through all of the shizzle i went through last week including my mom leaving, cleaning and clearing the entire house, orientation, my unsupportive family(of my fitness plan), being afraid of dying of mercury poisining for eating to much tuna( haha, yeah : ) ), my crazy aunt yelling in my face, OSU freshmen orientation and scheduling, and having my girlfriend away! Wow...I really haven't even stopped to think about this past week! Anyway, If I can make it through that by taking it one day at a time and staying commited without a set plan, I can make it through anything! And I will! It's all in your head. I am the captain of my own ship ( my body) and I must command it in the direction of success and leanness for LIFE! 
And so... Now that I've made it to this point I need to GET OFFICIAL and make a set plan and timeline with measurements and set achievable goals and deadlines! I have confidence now more than ever that i will transform my body into the one i see in my dreams every night! So I need to make a plan. I will be posting the details of my official plan very soon! So stay tuned...and although I wish I could've had it done last week...Life doesn't wait for you and so I wont wait to take advantage of it!

I want to send a special thanks to Larry who has been especially supportive of me and all of the other shredders who inspire me and give me confidence! Shred on!